The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) recently announced it would be adding two GO-DOT safety patrol vehicles in the Oklahoma City metro area.
The vehicles have four uses: provide fuel and basic first aid items; relocate a stranded vehicle to a safe location; perform tire changes, minor repairs, motorist assistance, and debris removal; and provide assistance to law enforcement and emergency services at crash scenes.
GO-DOT, a free driver assistance service not an emergency or towing service, is available on interstates on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
ODOT also plans to add two more vehicles in the Tulsa metro area.
ODOT also announced it recently signed the Oklahoma Traffic Incident Management (OKTIM) charter that formalizes a coalition of more than 30 organizations.
“OKTIM’s biggest achievement will be improving incident management by getting this training to as many first responders as possible,” State Maintenance Engineer Taylor Henderson said.
Other organizations include local fire and police departments and wrecker services, the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.
Coalition-sponsored trainers have educated more than 10,000 responders with 458 trainers via ODOT-sponsored training sessions, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Academy and technical schools.