The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) plans to launch a new system next month that will make it much easier for truck drivers to find safe parking.
The Truck Parking Information Management System is a multi-state system that also includes Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. The system monitors parking availability, allowing drivers to make informed decisions as they finish their federally mandated hours of service.
Better parking information also will prevent ramp closures due to illegal parking and will lead to fewer nonroutine maintenance repairs on highway shoulders. Over the life of the project, the system is forecasted to generate more than $403 million in benefits.
The states have received a $25 million federal transportation grant. Ohio received $5.3 million, the largest share of the grant, and contributed an additional $787,000.
The system will launch at five rest stops on I-77, three rest areas on I-70 and one on I-33.
“Truck drivers are vital to our economy,” ODOT Director Jerry Wray said. “One of the biggest challenges they face is finding a safe place to park and rest. “This system will help truck drivers plan ahead and allow them to stop wasting precious driving minutes searching for parking.”