The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) recently announced it supports the findings of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) report.
The report, entitled Renewing the National Commitment to the Interstate Highway System: A Foundation for the Future, urges tolling be expanded and funds used to repair and rebuild the nation’s transportation infrastructure.
Tolls could take the form of allowing states and metropolitan areas to impose tolls on selected segments of existing Interstates or instituting Interstate-specific user fees. The report also suggests increasing motor-fuel taxes. A combination of all three methods also could be used.
“The consensus report takes dead aim at the biggest obstacle to rebuilding our Interstate Highways: insufficient funding,” Patrick D. Jones, IBTTA executive director and CEO, said. “The report notes that the federal fuel tax has not been increased in more than 25 years and without major funding, the system will collapse. We commend today’s consensus report for calling on Congress to eliminate restrictions on tolling Interstate highways and granting states increased flexibility to raise needed funds to rebuild the Interstate highways they own and operate.”
In December 2016, Jones told the TRB that Congress should lift its prohibition on tolling Interstate highways for reconstruction.