Rep. Graves elected ranking committee of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Sam Graves

U.S. Rep. Sam Graves, (R-MO) was recently elected ranking member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee by members of the House Republican Conference.

Graves, a professional pilot, has served on the panel for 18 years and has led several subcommittees. He served most recently as chairman of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee, and formerly served as chairman and ranking member of the Small Business Committee.

Airports Council International – North America (ACI-NA) supports Graves’ appointment.

“I congratulate Congressman Sam Graves on his new position as the Ranking Member of the House Transportation Committee,” ACI-NA President and CEO Kevin M. Burke said. “Congressman Graves is an experienced pilot with a true passion for aviation issues. He understands and appreciates the importance of the aviation industry to his home state of Missouri, and the rest of the country. We look forward to working with him to modernize our airports for the 21st century and improve the passenger experience for air travelers everywhere as Congress addresses our infrastructure challenges in the next year.”

Graves represents North Missouri – a district with one international airport, two major waterways, 13 general aviation airports, 853 miles of levees, 2,500 bridges, more than 9,000 highway miles, and major cross-country freight railways.