The rail transit State Safety Oversight (SSO) Programs for California and Oklahoma recently obtained federal certification, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) said.
“FTA is pleased that California and Oklahoma have developed safety oversight programs that meet federal certification requirements and will strengthen rail transit safety,” K. Jane Williams, FTA acting administrator, said. “With certification, transit agencies in California and Oklahoma can continue to receive federal funding.”
The certifications mean 27 of the 30 states required to obtain SSO certification have completed the task. Programs must meet several federal statutory requirements for certification.
If a state misses the deadline on April 15, it will be ineligible for federal transit funds.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation provides safety oversight for the Oklahoma City streetcar system.
The California Public Utilities Commission provides oversight for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority light rail and heavy rail systems; the North County Transit District trolley system; the Sacramento Regional Transit District light rail system; the San Diego Metropolitan Transportation System light rail system; the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District heavy rail, light rail, and automated guideway systems as well as cable car and streetcar systems; and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority light rail system.