Report finds 65.5 million global jobs supported by air transport

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Worldwide, 65.5 million jobs and $2.7 trillion in economic activity are supported by the air transport sector, according to Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) research.

“There are over 10 million women and men working within the industry to make sure 120,000 flights and 12 million passengers a day are guided safely through their journeys,” ATAG Executive Director Michael Gill said. “The wider supply chain, flow-on impacts, and jobs in tourism made possible by air transport show that at least 65.5 million jobs and 3.6 percent of global economic activity are supported by our industry.”

Industry-wide, 1,303 airlines fly 31,717 aircraft on 45,091 routes. Airlines carry 35 percent of global trade by value, and 57 percent of tourists.

Aviation jobs are 4.4 times more productive than jobs in other sectors.

ATAG examined two future scenarios for the air transport sector.

In the first scenario, governments take an open, free trade approach to the economy. In 2036, the sector will grow to support 97.8 million jobs and $5.7 trillion in economic activity.

In the second scenario, governments enact protectionist and isolationist policies. This would cause the sector to contract and no longer support 12 million jobs. It also would support $1.2 trillion less in economic activity.