The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit recently ruled that the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Amtrak can set their own standards for measuring passenger rail service on-time performance.
The court voted 2-1 to overturn an appellate court decision from 2015 that found a section of a 2008 law unconstitutional and allowed Amtrak to set standards that benefited its own interests.
Additionally, a portion of the law allowing Amtrak to create regulations for others in the “market” for rail right of way capacity was removed.
“Today’s appellate decision vindicates the position our Association has taken in numerous court filings, briefs and letters to regulators over the years,” Jim Mathews, Rail Passengers Association (RPA) president and CEO, said. “This sets the stage for Amtrak and the FRA to work together to restore on-time performance standards that were vacated by previous rulings. With on-time performance today at record lows, American passengers have been waiting for years for the courts to step in and protect the rights of the traveling public. The Rail Passengers Association could not be happier with this decision.”
The court’s decision has the potential of moving to the Supreme Court.
“We will continue to fight for passengers’ rights in the courts, in Congress, and in the sphere of public opinion,” Mathews said.