The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) has scheduled a “Rally For Trains” campaign for June 23 to protest President Donald Trump’s proposed federal budget.
Rallies have been scheduled in more than 20 cities nationwide.
The proposed budget would eliminate Amtrak funding to 220 cities with 23 states losing all train service.
“Millions of people will be left isolated, and those who will suffer the most are those who rely on passenger rail to get to their job, for an ADA-compliant mode of travel, and for people where other transportation options are limited,” NARP Chairman Peter LeCody said. “The voices of these people must be heard by members of Congress, and we plan to make that possible during our ‘Rally For Trains.'”
Budget cuts would affect 140 million Americans. In some regions, Amtrak’s long-distance trains also serve as local transportation, connecting several communities in a single corridor.
Florida would lose all rail service. In the state, 28 communities are connected in a single line. There are nineteen communities that are connected in North Dakota and Montana, which are two other states at risk of losing all service.
In addition to Amtrak, cuts also would affect transit and commuter rail programs.
If Congress passes the budget, rural and working-class communities disproportionately would be affected, NARP said.