Voters across the United States supported eight out of 10 public transit measures, while eight measures are still awaiting confirmation.
Those eight measures join 32 other public transit measures already passed this year. According to the American Public Transportation Association, 40 of the 44 public transportation issues put before voters this year have passed – equating to a 91 percent win rate.
“Voters throughout the country once again overwhelmingly said ‘yes’ to public transit ballot measures that will expand and improve public transit, spur economic development and job creation, and connect communities and the people who live in them,” said APTA President and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas. “Even during this pandemic and economic downturn, voters have spoken and pledged their vote where they know it’s needed – public transportation investment. These ballots once again underscore the importance of local, state, and federal partnerships in transportation investment.”
The measures passed include:
• Prop A in Austin, Texas which will provide $7.1 billion in funding for investments in bus and rail;
• Prop A in San Antonio, Texas which will allow VIA Metropolitan Transit to continue to operate during the pandemic;
• Measure RR in Bay Area, Calif., which will provide dedicated funding for Caltrain;
• Prop 1 in Seattle, Wash., which renews a tax to fund bus service and subsidized pass programs for students and others, and
• The Mountain Line mill levy increase in Missoula, Mont., which will fund Missoula’s Zero Fare program.
The successful ballot issues represent more than $38 billion for public transportation.
“Voters showed last night that they’re willing to think big about our future. Americans voted to invest in transit and in their communities,” said Josh Cohen, Executive Director of APTA’s Center for Transportation Excellence. “The big measures this year were innovative and collaborative and represent an approach to development that extends beyond mobility alone. The measures, and the campaigns themselves, talked to voters about equity, cleaner air and water, economic growth, and support for frontline and essential workers –a message and approach that was met with applause.”