The Auto Care Association recently hosted the second annual International Matchmaking Program at the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX) 2017.
The program was hosted in partnership with the U.S. Commercial Service and the International Trade Administration.
The International Matchmaking Programs was designed to connect suppliers with international buyers and is part of Market Development Cooperator Program funds received from the U.S. Department of Commerce to increase automotive aftermarket industry exports in Central and South America.
The funds are expected to generate $55 million in exports over three years.
As part of the program, the Auto Care Association matched suppliers with buyers and schedule private meetings between the companies.
“What a great opportunity and match-making event at AAPEX this year,” Joseph De Santino, Auto Care Association member, said. “I took a chance and it has paid off handsomely. The company options, the scheduling and the quality of companies you brought were on point. Please count me in next year.”
This year, the Auto Care Association also organized trade missions to Central America.
The next trade mission will be held May 21-22 in Costa Rica. The United States accounts for 47 percent of Costa Rica’s imports.
These imports are not subject to tariffs under the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement.