The North American Concrete Alliance (NACA), a coalition of 12 concrete and cement associations, recently sent a letter to members of the U.S. House Transportation Committee to express its views on transportation funding.
“NACA is concerned that the investment in our surface transportation infrastructure is painfully inadequate to meet our current needs, let alone the needs of future generations,” the letter said. “We believe that previous efforts fell short and as a result the Highway Trust Fund is still not adequately funded and Congress is no closer to enacting a permanent, or even long-lasting, solution to address its solvency.”
The United States cannot squander previous infrastructure investment by allowing that infrastructure to crumble, the letter said, claiming it would be fiscally irresponsible not to increase infrastructure investment.
NACA urged the committee to make tough decisions and risks, the way previous Congresses did, when planning the nation’s transportation future. Investments have both short- and long-term benefits.
NACA said it was looking forward to the prospect of working with Congress to address the nation’s infrastructure needs.
The letter was sent to Bill Shuster (R-PA), chairman of the committee, and to Peter DeFazio (D-OR), the committee’s ranking member, and was signed by the members of NACA.