The American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) recently announced that 42 additional individuals have recently earned the organization’s Safety Certification for Transportation Project Professionals (SCTPP) credential.
“Our goal is to help cause a demonstrable reduction in the number of deaths and injuries that occur on and around transportation project sites each year,” ARTBA President Pete Ruane said. “We believe we can do that if all of the key decision makers, from project inception through completion, have safety top of mind. This program identifies and rewards those who have competency in this critical management area.”
Valid for three years, the certification recognizes transportation project workers, supervisors, equipment owners and operators, designers, manufacturers and materials suppliers, managers, inspectors, and foreman who learn core competencies necessary to identify and mitigate potentially life-threatening on-site risks.
Selections are made after each participant completes a series of safety training classes that culminates in a 120-question, multiple choice test that assesses knowledge in creating project safety plans, implementing ongoing evaluation of site-specific operational safety plans, and conducting incident investigations.
According to ARTBA, the test was designed to meet the rigorous protocols required for accreditation by the American National Standards Institute and the International Organization for Standardization.