Council launches 2017 survey of airline employees

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Airports Council International (ACI) recently launched its annual Employee Survey for Customer Experience (ECE), which is used to determine airports’ level of customer service.

“Airports have learned that to provide customer experience excellence, the entire airport community must be involved,” ACI World Director General Angela Gittens said. “ACI has developed ECE and the ECE toolkit to support our Member airports in assessing and improving their engagement with all staff working in an airport—ultimately improving employee satisfaction; the passenger experience; and revenue growth, as well as raising the customer service bar across the industry.”

Results are used to determine areas where customer service needs improved and to create a global index. Airports also have the ability to share their best practices with other facilities.

The employee survey is used in conjunction with the Airport Service Quality program, which surveys passengers on their day of travel.

ACI also recently released the latest edition of its Airport Economics Report.

In 2015, revenues grew 6 percent, while costs increased 4.3 percent. Bankable capital returns for investors was 6.4 percent.

Airports are complex businesses, operating within a regulatory environment, Gittens said. They are an integral part of the air transport system and decision-making requires data, she said.