New York begins road rehabilitation project in Clinton

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The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) recently began a $8.8 million road rehabilitation project in the Village of Clinton, Oneida County.

“Providing safe and reliable transportation for all is core to NYSDOT’s mission and this road rehabilitation project will make it easier for people to ride, walk, and bike through the village of Clinton, boosting the local economy and strengthening quality of life for the entire community,” NYSDOT Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez said.

The project will rehabilitate pavement along State Route 12B, the main roadway in Clinton, from the southernmost intersection with Furnace Street in the town of Kirkland north through Clinton, and along State 412 from the State Route 12B intersection to the intersection with State Route 233.

Other work includes new sidewalks along State Route 12B south of the village, curb ramps, signage and a traffic signal.

Pre-construction and utility work have begun. Major construction is expected to begin soon and be completed by summer 2026. On July 7, the intersection of 12B and College Street will be closed for approximately four weeks, weather permitting.

A combination of federal and state dollars are funding the project. Clinton also provided funding that will be used for additional sidewalk replacements, sewer work and hydrant replacements.