Michigan’s State Transportation Commission (STC) recently approved the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) 2025-2029 Five-Year Transportation Program (5YTP).
The 5YTP connects MDOT’s long-range, asset management goals and strategies with project programming and monitoring of performance measures and budget targets; establishes a foundation for trunkline projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program; and lists planned projects for the MDOT Trunkline Highway program and public transportation, rail, and aeronautics programs. The Trunkline Highway program applies to state-maintained roads, bridges and facilities.
The 5YTP includes $4.7 billion in multimodal programs, $10.8 billion in highway program projects focused primarily on repairing and rebuilding MDOT roads and bridges, and $15.5 billion in anticipated state and federally funded investments. This funding includes more than $270 million to the Rebuilding Michigan program, $1 billion for aeronautics, and $3.7 billion for public transportation.
Projects include the Gordie Howe International Bridge, and highway, public transportation and aeronautics program initiatives.
The 5YTP now will be posted on the MDOT website. State law also requires it be sent to the state budget director, the Michigan Legislature, and the House and Senate fiscal agencies by March 1.
MDOT received public and stakeholder feedback on a draft document between Aug. 2 and Sept. 3.