Miami International Airport demonstrates new perimeter security system

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Miami International Airport recently held a live airfield demonstration of its new perimeter intrusion detection system (PIDS).

The security technology uses video surveillance and analytics, ground-based radar, laser walls, and advanced fiber-optic sensors to identify and respond to potential airport perimeter breaches in real-time.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) funded installation of the system around half of the airport’s perimeter. The Miami-Dade Aviation Department will fund the remainder line over the next two years.

The TSA selected Miami as the first test site of the $6 million Airport Security Test Bed program that supports the development and implementation of next-generation security solutions. The TSA may replicate the program at airports nationwide.

“TSA always looks at new and innovative technologies to protect the traveling public,” Jim Bamberger TSA multimodal and public area capabilities director, said at the event. “The work done here will not only help to secure the Miami Airport perimeter, but the lessons learned will benefit all federalized airports nationwide.”

Miami International Airport is the United States’ busiest airport for international freight and the second busiest for international passengers. It is currently undergoing $9 billion in maintenance upgrades and capital improvements.

The airport generates $118 billion in business revenue annually.