Canadian National announces net-zero target approval

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On Wednesday, the Canadian National Railway Company (CN) announced its net-zero by 2050 target was validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

CN said using a science-based approach to climate commitments will help it achieve reduced emissions and decarbonization. Similar approaches by the broader North American rail industry would help align climate goals to achieve a sustainable future, officials said.

“At CN, we are focused on the long-term success and sustainability of our business. We know that we cannot achieve our commitments alone which is why we continue to collaborate with fuel producers and locomotive manufacturers, supply chain partners, governments, customers, and peers in support of an effective transition to a low-carbon future,” Tracy Robinson, President and CEO of CN, said.

CN also recently released its 2023 sustainability data supplement report, and found progress in some areas. Although the company has a goal of 90 percent reduction in Scope 1, 2, and 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050, the company said it saw a slight increase in those emissions in 2022 and has realized only 17.3 percent progress toward its goal Additionally, while the company’s goal is to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions covering fuel- and energy-related activities rom locomotive, truck and vessel fleets by 40 percent by 2030, the company has only realized a 30.8 percent progress toward its 2030 target.

However, the company set a goal of diverting approximately 95 percent of operation waste from landfills annually, which it nearly achieved, diverting 94 percent of its waste in 2022. And the company set a goal of planting three million trees by 2030, and plated 113,000 trees in 2022, for 81 percent progress toward its 2030 target.