Gov. Hochul announces plans to expand New York City transit access

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New York Gov. Kathy Hochul recently announced a plan to expanded transit access across New York City.

“Every New Yorker deserves a safe, efficient commute – whether you’re a straphanger, a driver or a pedestrian,” Hochul said. “We’re continuing to move full speed ahead on transformative infrastructure projects that will change the way New Yorkers get around. And we’re fighting for safety at the same time, so New Yorkers get home safely no matter how they choose to get around.”

The plan includes:

Phase Two of the Second Avenue Subway project is ready for construction. The project will create connections with seven existing lines and serve 240,000 daily customers as well as reduce bus congestion along 125th Street. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority will evaluate, scope and plan for another extension of the Second Avenue Subway west along 125th Street.

The Interborough Express, a new service in Brooklyn and Queens, has the potential to provide connections to up to 17 subway lines.

A series of proposals would limit fare and toll evasion. The proposals include allowing police officers to seize license plate covers designed to make plates unreadable; increasing monetary fines for fare evasion and purposeful license plate defacement; and increasing toll enforcement activities and banning the sale of “vanish plates.”