New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, South Jersey Transportation Authority Chairman Stephen Dougherty, and U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross (D-NJ) recently met to discuss the positive transportation and economic impacts of the Atlantic City Expressway project.
The project will widen the roadway from two to three lanes from mile marker 31 westbound to the Route 42 terminus.
Route 322 is one of New Jersey’s deadliest highways. The project is expected to improve safety along the route and reduce congestion.
“The South Jersey Transportation Authority’s widening project will truly enhance the patron experience along the Expressway,” Dougherty said. “Once the 26 miles of east and westbound lanes are completed, the roadway will finally be expanded to three lanes its entire length.”
“This widening of the AC Expressway has been one of top infrastructure priorities for this region,” Norcross said. “We have large and growing populations here, and it makes perfect sense to have three lanes to service local residents and commuters. This project is going to bring a sigh of relief to drivers used to experiencing the peak of Jersey Shore Summer traffic.”
“This $180 million investment in New Jersey’s infrastructure will help reduce travel times, relieve congestion, increase safety, and improve coastal evacuation capacity on this highly traveled thoroughfare,” Gutierrez-Scaccetti said.