The Wyoming Department of Transportation recently opened the public comment period for the state’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) plan.
The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act allocated funding for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and Wyoming was allocated nearly $24 million over five years.
Charging infrastructure will be installed on Interstate 80, Interstate 25 and Interstate 90. The exact locations will be determined during a formal request for proposal process.
Once the federal government has certified the EV infrastructure, remaining funding can be spent in areas outside of the interstates with the exception of roads, bridges, and to install, operate or maintain the NEVI EV chargers.
Wyoming seeks an exemption to federal requirements that stations be located every 50 miles and a maximum of one mile from an exit. The exemption is based on the state’s rural routes and limited initial EV adoption rates, economic viability, and feedback from public meetings in April.
Comments can be emailed to the agency or submitted on its website through July 27.
Once comments close, the plan will be edited and submitted before Aug. 1 to the Federal Joint Office for approval. After approval is given, the state will begin to request proposals for installation.