Seven Oregon airports recently received more than $13.5 million in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) to help cover costs incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and support rent and minimum annual guarantees for airport concessions.
Grant County Regional/Ogilvie Field Airport received $22,000 for operations, personnel, cleaning, sanitization, janitorial services, debt service payments, and combating the spread of pathogens.
Lake County Airport received $32,000 for costs related to operations, personnel, cleaning, sanitization, janitorial services, debt service payments, and combating the spread of pathogens.
Crater Lake–Klamath Regional Airport and Newport Municipal Airport both received $59,000 for costs related to operations, personnel, cleaning, sanitization, janitorial services, debt service payments, and combating the spread of pathogens.
Roberts Field Airport received $413,506 for rent and minimum annual guarantees to large airport concessions located at primary airports.
Mahlon Sweet Field Airport received $510,724 for rent and minimum annual guarantees to large airport concessions located at primary airports, and $6.4 million for costs related to operations, personnel, cleaning, sanitization, janitorial services, debt service payments, and combating the spread of pathogens.
Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport received $6.02 million for costs related to operations, personnel, cleaning, sanitization, janitorial services, debt service payments, and combating the spread of pathogens.