U.S. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Maine Department of Transportation (Maine DOT) Commissioner Bruce A. Van Note, Maine DOT officials, and Searsport Town Manager James Gillway recently visited Searsport to view two transportation projects.
The $9.2 million Route 1 reconstruction project will improve safety, pedestrian access, bicycle access, and mobility while correcting pavement structure deficiencies, adding parking, and becoming ADA compliant. The route connects the Port of Searsport to other areas of the state.
The $1.65 million Port of Searsport project will dredge approximately 22,000 cubic yards of material from the navigation channel. Dredged material will be used to build a laydown pad for long-term cargo storage.
“The reconstruction of Route 1 will make major improvements to the roadway to ensure safe, efficient travel, while the maintenance dredging of the Port of Searsport will help prevent shipping delays at Mack Point,” Collins, Appropriations Committee senior member, said. “As part of the annual appropriations process, I submitted these requests on Maine DOT’s behalf to help fund these projects, and I will continue to advocate for these investments through my role on the Appropriations Committee as the process moves forward.”
Collins also visited Hamilton Marine, a company that received a Paycheck Protection Program forgivable loan.