The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently opened the state’s second diverging diamond interchange (DDI) at Route 222 and Route 322 in Ephrata, Lancaster County.
DDI eliminates conflicts with left turns and through movements by creating dedicated turn lanes. It also provides lanes for bicycles and horse-and-buggies and improves sidewalk connectivity.
The $10.9 million project has a contract completion date of May 2022, although the major work is expected to be completed this fall. The remaining work includes shoulder work, paving ramps and connecting roads, highway lighting, and stormwater management facilities.
Another DDI project, at Interstate 83 Exit 4 for Route 851 and Shrewsbury Borough in southern York County, is underway. The $29.9 million project is expected to be completed in August. It replaces the northbound and southbound bridges that carry I-83 over Route 851, reconstructs and lengthens the on- and off-ramps within the interchange, and replaces the culvert that carries Deer Creek beneath the interchange.
“In addition to the diverging diamond interchange projects, there are numerous construction projects starting or continuing in southcentral Pennsylvania,” Chris Drda, acting executive for the eight-county District 8 region, said.
The region includes Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties.